
Monday 28 January 2013

Richard Jenkins and 'Collective Identification'

In media we learnt about a media theorist called Richard Jenkins, this is what he said about collective identification.

"We need to interact with others in order to develop an identity - this would also include interaction with media which develop an internal identity which then is influenced by external factors."

He continued to say......

"When we partake in an event with other people with whom we feel an affinity we are involved in collective identification - our identity receive the approval and solidarity of others."

We then linked this to the media, these are the types of media which link to his theory:
  • People that watch same T.V.
  • Support same football teams.
  • Read same news papers/books/magazines.
  • Video games/consoles
  • Films/music
  • Genre
  • Social media such as Facebook/Twitter
The media we consume can offer this collective identification in two ways.
  • Feeling 'identification,with a particular character`s behaviour and beliefs (and this could be aspirational). 
  • Feeling 'solidarity' with others who like the same media products.

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