
Friday 25 January 2013

Anthony Giddens - 'Post-traditional' identy

In post-traditional societies individuals are free to construct their own identity.

Modern (i.e. post-traditional) societies encourage these questions about who we are and who we want to be. They encourage us to construct a lifestyle based around our beliefs and behaviours.

Linking it to the Media
The media can influence this by showing us a range of individuals and behaviours (that affects our beliefs about what is 'normal')  Giddens says our identity has become a self-reflexive project - a continuous and changing narrative of who we are, who we have been and who will be in the future. This meaning 'you' aren't purely your biography  or who you are 'now', or your aspirations.... 'You' are all of these things.

How has 'structuration'  been accelerated by the 'digital revolution'?
Easy access to everything (very fast).

From this we were asked....
How have you changed since Year 11? (Age 16)
Since I have a disability my answers were not the typical answers that a teenager would give, the following are my answers:

  • I have gained more social skills which I have used to inspire others e.g. I went to a school where I inspired younger students. Also I have done the same from my own school. 
  • I have become more independent i.e. talking in groups and more outgoing, 
  • Travelling around on my own e.g. travelling from my house to my church by myself. 
  • I now have better knowledge of a varied amount of films.

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