
Friday 25 January 2013

Music Video - Aiming for As (i.e. producing the 'wow' factor)

How to devlop ideas:
One way to develop ideas is intertextuality which gives it density - 'sampling' - snippets of drum beat orchestra etc - from films/TV/video games - assembling a text out of bits of other texts ('bricolage').

Why are videos that use 'intertextuailty' popular/successful?
This is because some people can relate to certain texts by recognising different texts from a TV show or game depending on the person. People can gain values and beliefs from it. Viewers can also gain familiarity with a specific text making them feel 'clever' and influence 'knowledge'. The reason why it's successful is because it is easy to create as you would be combing already successful elements.

Lady Gaga's 'Telephone' is a great example of intertextuality. Here is why:

Lady Gaga - Telephone ft Beyonce

The ways this can be seen as intertextual is...
  • Female Jungle - This relates to the women in the video - 'soft-porn' fantasy women's prison - licking prison bars. 
  • Sexualised prisoners/guards - women in underwear.
  • Lesbians
  • Electric shock scene 'tape around head/face' - Gaga also wore tape around her face/head. 
  • Phone queue - Prisoners 'facing off'.
  • Fight scene.
  • Main woman walking down isle with two guards - Gaga is also taken down the isle with two guards. 
  • Prisoners fighting.

In Kill Bill the bride steals the pussy wagon and uses it throughout the film. In Telephone Gaga and Beyonce use the pussy wagon to drive away. 

This is intertextual because...
  • Sexualised dancing in diner - Lady Gaga also danced in diner.
  • Killing man in diner - Beyonce poisons her boyfriend and Gaga poisons the entire diner.
  • Annoying sleazy man killed.
  • Dance routine - Similar to Gaga's dance.
  • Swapping between black and white to colour.
Cooking Mama 

Cooking Mama is seen in Telephone when Gaga is making the poison  This is also heard as the music sounds like a computer game. 

The holding hands at the end in the car is similar to the ending as Gaga and Beyonce.

From this I have learnt that intertextuailty is a good way to attract audience, so I will make sure that I use it for my own production.

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