
Thursday 24 January 2013

Is there too much sex in Music Videos?

Sexualised music videos are having a negative impact on individuals and society.

In one of our classes we had a debate on this topic. For this topic I was on the "For" side; here are some of the points that I wrote down for the argument:
  • Copycat Theory - Young people/ children are influence by clothing and attitudes from music videos.
  • Feminine - Sexualise females are seen as sex objects.
  • Technology has a heavy influence because it is easy to access e.g. TV, Internet and Magazines.  
  • Lyrics in the music influence our vocabulary.
  • Cultivation - Over again and again we see the same videos.
  • Young children may not understand what they are watching, can be naive.
  • Most people have access to T.V and Internet etc.
  • Mainly all music genres have sexual content in them either by lyrics or the visual.
  • Women wear more sexual clothing to express themselves or not.
  • As long as people buy and watch the music and the videos, sexualisation will exist and continue to be in music videos. 
By learning about sex in music videos I now have a better understanding of how women are portrayed in the media. This links to my production as my genre is techno music. This affects it as many techno music videos have women scantily clad, dancing in night clubs. Sometimes these women can be seen drunk and very vulnerable.

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