
Wednesday 30 January 2013

Music Video Concept Planning

In media we had the chance to give our music video ideas to our peers to give us feedback.This was my first/second idea that I shared.  Here is the concept that I showed to my peers.

My Concept:
My music video would be a first person view of someone going to a club. The surroundings will be sped up and the person will be walking normally. In certain parts of the video it will switch over. In the club people will be dancing and having a good time. At the bar people will be served what looks like potions in experimental bottles.

The questions that were asked to gain feedback were; What would you add? What would you change? And Why? Here are the different types of feedback I received.

Feedback 1
Maybe include a narrative/storyline? There could be scenes before and after the club as well as cutaway shots of a narrative which includes the 'potions'? By doing this it could make the video more visually interesting and give the viewer more to think about. If you have a message you want them to go away with then this will help strengthen it.

Feedback 2
Will the someone be a male or female? Why would the surrounding be sped up? Is this to make the audience feel as if the person is drunk? Also try and add a narrative so that the music has purpose.

Feedback 3
If it's just set in a club, would you consider to have some scenes like before arriving and leaving the club outside so it's like reality is outside and you see him walking into a different dimension/world. I feel one location for a whole music video would be boring and not very inventive to be honest. But I love the whole idea.

Feedback 4
Maybe manipulating the general perception of what a club is meant to be like as you have mentioned potions, maybe make them of club science. I would change the first persons view as this is not generally a good start, maybe over the shoulder shot or just the back.

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