
Monday 11 February 2013

Visually 2

In media we learnt about how women are portrayed from a clip taken from the film Charlie's Angels 2. Here are some questions that we answered to get a better understanding of the film and how women are seen differently. (I couldn't find the clip we watched but here is a clip which can relate to this.... click here)

Fetishisation in Charlie's Angels 2 (2003)

Critical position 1 - In what way are the 'Angels' empowered?

1) Describe what you see the 'Angels' doing?
It looked like they were escaping from an army base. The army were trying to kill them.

2) In what ways are they 'active' in the narrative?
  • Driving in big trucks
  • Jumping out of trucks off of high bridges.
  • Flying helicopters with big explosions.
3) How does their behaviour challenge gender stereotypes?
You would normally see a man doing these things. Women are fearless goes against typical female behaviour.

Critical position 2 - How does the use of camera and mise-en-scene fetishise the Angels?

Look at the use of camera - how does this sexualise the 'Angels' ?
When they are at the side of a truck the camera was pointing at the Angel's backside. On the beach a  shot of women's backside was shown.

Describe their costumes:
Short tight skirts, cleavage showing, low cut tops.

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