
Thursday 14 February 2013

General Audience Research

For our media course work we had to research:

  1. Who still buys CD's? (However since this was asked to individual people I asked them do they still buy CD's)
  2. Why do/don't they buy CD's?
  3. What CD/Album cover art is their favourite?
  4. Why is it their favourite CD/Album cover art?
I asked various people of different ages male and female and below is a list of their answers.

Stacy Myers age 52
  1. I only buy them occasionally.
  2. The reason for this is because I download them for free.  I also like the fact I don't have to store CD's as I don't have the room.
  3. My favourite album cover is Stevie Wonder's 'Innvervisions'.
  4. This is because it was the first ever album I had and was bought for me for my 13th birthday in 1973 the year, month and date it was released.  I still have it now and it brings back wonderful memories of my teenage years.  I love the cover as I have always found it haunting and interesting to look at.

Here is a track from Stevie Wonder Innervisions called Higher Ground.

Keeley Towns age 22
  1. I buy CD's rarely.
  2. This is because it is easier to download, however I will buy a CD if it is by my favourite bands.
  3. My favourite cover art is for 'System of a Down' (Mezmorize and Hypnotize).
  4. This is because the two CD's fit together which is unique.

Here is a track from Mezmorize

And the track Hypnotize.

Mrs Rockall age 61
  1. I occasionally buy CD's.
  2. The reason for this is that I like to listen to them in the car.
  3. Not sure.
  4. N/A.
Richard Paddon age 32
  1. Yes I still buy CD's but not very often.
  2. I buy CD's because I have a CD player that I use when the battery in my iPod is dead
  3. My favourite album art is Dookie by Green Day
  4. I like it because it is a memorable cover and the cartoon style reminds me of funny jigsaws I used to do when I was younger.

Here is a track from Dookie by Green Day called Longview.

Anonymous age 30
  1. No I don't buy CD's.
  2. The main reason is because it is easier access to music online.
  3. My favourite album cover would be Avenged Sevenfold - Nightmare.
  4. This is because it is mysterious and though it looks scary and portrays nightmares it seems to give off a calm feeling.

Here the music video to Avenged Sevenfold - Nightmare.

Dushi Nagarajan age 41
  1. I do not buy CD's but my husband buys them.
  2. When I have the CD's I like to listen to them in the car and to be able to put in a music system. I feel the quality of music is better when using a CD. 
  3. My favourite album cover is Viswaroopam CD cover.
  4. I like the hero on the cover of the album doing a Indian classical dance pose/action. The cover makes me want to dance like the hero. I also thought that it was elegant.

Here is Unnai Kaanadhu Naan one of the tracks which is in Viswaroopam.

Mrs Smith age 57
  1. Yes I buy CD's.
  2. I buy them because having the CD is more permanent - I don't have to worry about the computer crashing and losing everything. 
  3. My favourite album covers are from the artists Pink Floyd / Led Zeppelin who made Dark Side of the Moon and Stairway to Heaven.
  4. I feel both of these album arts are pieces of artwork.
She continued to say that...

Dark Side of the Moon is simple but striking.

Here is some music from the album Dark side of the Moon.

Stairway to Heaven is very detailed - you see something different each time. This can be seen as surreal. 

Here is a track from Stairway to Heaven.

Aleena Hussain age 13
  1. I don't buy CD's.
  2. This is because I can download them.
  3. Not sure.
  4. N/A
I decided to do the questionnaire myself to gain an extra result.

Isaac Harvey age 17
  1. I do not buy any CD's.
  2. One reason why I don't buy CD's is because after listening to a track a few times I get bored of it and move onto other types of music. Due to this it would be a waste of time to buy CD's so by doing it this way it saves money and space. Another reason is that I would rather listen to music on the internet thorough websites such as YouTube. I also download music onto my iPod.
  3. My favourite album art is from Mika - The Boy Who Knew Too Much.
  4. I don't exactly listen to their music but their album art  is eye catching  It's like every time you look at it you see something different. It is a very creative looking album art.

Here is all the tracks for The Boy Who Knew too Much in a nutshell.

By carrying out this particular research it has now influenced my decision making on my CD packaging/album art. From this research I have found out that the younger audience do not purchase CD's and prefer to listen to their chosen music online or download, this is mainly because of an easy access route to enjoy music. The older audience however, are very traditional and still buy their CD's. To grab the attention of all ages I am going to make sure that my CD cover is striking and memorable with the hope of attracting a wide range of listeners to buy the CD out in the shops instead of downloading. 

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