
Tuesday 12 February 2013

Critical Perspectives

Contemporary Concepts of Identity and 'Collective Identity'

Media/collective identity (targeted group/group of people who share same belief)

Collective Identity
Individual identitity - How you see yourself. Seperately from others.
Social identity - Our 'meaning' to others, the role we play in society.
Collective identity - How those who are similar or different contribute to our sense of 'self''
Anthony Giddens and 'Structuration'

Individual actions and social forces are inter-related. Repeated actions of individuals create 'social norms'. These 'social norms' influence the individuals decisions on how to behave for example, conforming vs. rebelling. So, identity is influenced by society's expectations (and lots of these expectations are reinforced by the media). For example, queing at a bus stop becomes a social norm. However individuals have a choice whether to conform or challenge these.

We then thought of examples from our own behaviour where we have reinforced a 'social norm' and where we have challenged a 'social norm'.
For example, for me a way that I reinforce 'social norms' is by not swearing in public and by wearing clothes (you can be arrested for indecent exposure if you are naked in public). However I can't say that I challenge any 'social norms'.

Giddens 'Traditional Identity'
'Traditional societies' identity is based around the accepted norms, codes and behaviour of the family/community. For example, a mans job is the same as your father's, so your career, class and gender is set.

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