
Sunday 16 December 2012

Initial Ideas for My Music Video

My artists style of music is targeted to an audience that like a mixture of different styles. I have chosen to use 'A Sunshine Paradigm' (when clicked on link it's the first track on the right). I was going to use the idea of the 'dance floor' setting for my video as the style in this song is slightly similar to dance music or music you would hear in a club. Here is a few first ideas I thought of for my music video:

Travelling to club
  • First person view of someone in a car going to a club in London.
  • View will be of the road and buildings - surroundings will be going faster than normal.
  • When arrive at club music stops - hear door creaking and people talking.
  • Music will start faint in background when approaching doors leading to inside of club.
  • When inside the the club music will start loudly again.
Club scene
  • Parody of dance moves from other music videos.
  • First person view looks left - view of couple kissing.
  • Looks right- view of a group dancing.
  • Front view - dance floor, people doing the paraody of dance moves.
  • Travelling through dancefloor - first person looking left and right - clubbers shouting - waving arms - drinks raised - clubbers hand looks as though patting first person's shoulder. 
Dance Parodies

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