
Tuesday 12 March 2013

Website Decisions

Here are some of the reasons I did certain things for my website.

Title font name:
I used this font and colour scheme to make it stand out as soon as someone enters the website. This is also to grab the audiences attention to the website so that they are likely to stay on the website and read on.

 On most other music website they would include; home, music, video, photo, news and contact tabs. By having these, they allow the audience to have a choice of what they would like to go onto. It also helps spectators to know more about the artist. For example, being able to hear the different types of music the artist plays.

Big slideshow:
I made this slideshow because it is another way for the spectators to know about the artist. I only added three pictures to the past, present and future of the artist and his music videos. This helps the audiences to have a better insight of the artist's history and what they could be looking forward to.

Small slideshow:
I made this slideshow just for images as I thought that images would be a more powerful tool to attract audiences as it has less to read and more to look at. For the images I had a mixture of the old music video, new music video and different CD covers.

News and other info:
I made this section on the website to allow audiences know the latest news and information straight away. This saves audiences time as they don't have to look this information else where. It also allows audiences to choose which information that is likely to interest them. I also made sure that they wasn't to much writing with each post as I didn't want to bore the reader.

By adding the music section to the homepage, it allows new visitors get a taste of the artists music. Another good thing about this is it allows the user to listen to the whole track instead of leaving the website.

For this I added my first edit of the music video that I produced. By having this it adds more visual to the website as people can watch a video. This again allows easier access to content without having to leave the website.

I added a chat room feature to the website as it is not something you usually see on a music website. By having this feature it allows users to be able to talk about the artists music and general music. Also with this feature people in the chat room can invite their friends to the conversation. From this conversations can be endless.

Social media:
I made sure that I added famous social sites such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, so that people can easily connect with the artist and to know what the artist is up to. An advantage of having this is that these website can be updated instantly giving the audience up-to-date information.

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