
Monday 8 October 2012

Change in Gender Roles

During one of my media lessons we had to answer a question which was 'How have perceptions of sex and gender changed over the past century?'. To answer this question we went through historical context for feminism and other changes. I made a timeline of what we learnt:

Also in the lesson we watched a clip from Dynasty centered on a woman who comes across as very dominant and very empowered over men.

 We then answered questions on this, these were:
Why would men feel threatened by this woman?
  • Traditionally a man not a woman would be giving orders.
  • Her words get straight to the point.
  • She speaks with a lot of confidence.
  • Straight faced - no funny business.
  • She is smart and wearing professional clothing - this makes her look as if she has authority and power so therefore people will listen to her.
  • She is elegant with a beautiful face.
Why would radical feminists dislike her behaviour?
  • They do not believe in equality.
  • Men should be like men and women like women.
  • The men should be giving out the orders and women complying.
What does this tell us about men's status in Britain after Thatcherism?
  • Women had more equal rights.
  • Mens status was lowered.
  • Factories were closed, which meant that men were out of jobs.
  • Women began to work more which made them see more in control. 

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