
Tuesday 29 January 2013

Album Cover Art Textual Detail pt 2

This is the continuation of looking at close detail within different album arts.

deadmau5 - Right this second (from album 4x4=12)

Textual detail
  • Black background.
  • Mouse head looks like disco ball.
  • Coloured gold.
  • deadmau5 font gold.
  • Title 'Right this second' in white.
  • Minimalist design.
What does this tell us? Why is it effective?
  • Links to house music.
  • Disco ball - mouse looks happy suggests that you could enjoy the music.
  • Live for the moment - links to the album title.
  • Music could link to underground artist.
  • linked - repeated notes in music.
  • Artist wears mouse head when performing - effective way to market - iconic image.
Here is the music for deadmau5 - Right This Second.

Nicki Minaj - Pink Friday Roman Reloaded

Textual detail
  • Background splashes of multicolours.
  • Nicki Minaj's face painted yellow with bright pink lines over her eyes.
  • Her hair pure blonde.
What does this tell us? Why is it effective?
  • The album title 'Pink Friday Roman reloaded' links to her alter ego 'Roman' showing strong character.
  • striking colour imagery links to where she's from - Trinidad (carnival colours).
  • Tribal art on face - strips over eye.
  • Barbie image - links to her blonde hair and font is pink in Barbie font.
  • Exaggerated femininity - Barbie imagery.
Nicki Minaj - Whip it is one of the songs in her album.

U2 - War

Textual Detail
  • Child's face with cut/bruised up.
  • Font large and red.
  • Serious looking face.
  • Hands behind head.
What it tells us? Why is it effective?
  • Red font could be linked to blood and violence. 
  • Political meaning - having a child - linking into weapon training - child soldiers? 
  • Ambiguous image.
  • Child could be living in 'War' and finds it difficult.
  • Could relate to age - things becoming harder?
  • Child fighting with another boy?
  • Band from Ireland - Song about British solders in Ireland.
  • Political songs - Irish wanting British/English out of Ireland.
  • Hands behind head could suggest getting arrested.
  • Prisoner?
  • Links to background of band.
Here is part of the U2 - War album 'Sunday Bloody Sunday'

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